Here's the very first VeggieTales story, animated by Phil, Robert Ellis and Chris Olsen in a storefront office in 1993. (Mike Nawrocki edited, and Kurt Heinecke produced the music.)
Many episodes can be found on YouTube, but the most complete collection is at Yippee.tv.
Where to watch:
Phil was 24 when he first made a tomato and a cucumber on a computer, way back in 1990. After two years raising money, his idea for singing, dancing, Bible story-telling vegetables finally came to life in 1993.
By 2010 more than 50 million VT videos had been sold, and Phil's stories could be found in 1/3 of all American homes with young children.
Phil launched Big Idea Productions in 1993, lost it in bankruptcy in 2003, and worked with the new owners until 2010.
Episodes Written by Phil:
1993 - Where's God When I'm Scared?
1994 - God Wants Me to Forgive THEM??
1994 - Are You My Neighbor?
1995 - Rack, Shack & Benny
1996 - Dave & the Giant Pickle
1996 - The Toy that Saved Christmas
1997 - Larry-Boy & the Fib from Outer Space
1997 - Josh & the Big Wall
1998 - Madame Blueberry (w/Mike Nawrocki)
1999 - Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed
2000 - King George & the Ducky
2000 - Esther: The Girl Who Became Queen (w/Mike N.)
2001 - Lyle the Kindly Viking (w/Tim Hodge)
2002 - Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie (w/Mike N.)
2002 - The Star of Christmas
2003 - An Easter Carol (w/Tim H.)
2004 - A Snoodle's Tale
2005 - Lord of the Beans
2007 - The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's
2008 - Huckleberry Larry (re-write)
2010 - The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Movie
2000 - Esther: The Girl Who Became Queen (w/Mike N.)
2001 - Lyle the Kindly Viking (w/Tim Hodge)
2002 - Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie (w/Mike N.)
2002 - The Star of Christmas
2003 - An Easter Carol (w/Tim H.)
2004 - A Snoodle's Tale
2005 - Lord of the Beans
2007 - The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's
2008 - Huckleberry Larry (re-write)
2008 - The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Movie