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Mr. Phil TV is live!

We weren’t planning on launching for another month or so, but with all these kids suddenly out of school… and parents wondering what to do with them… we worked real hard and here we go!

My new kids Bible is out!

Hey!  After a whole lot of writing and a whole lot of art creation and a whole lot of printing, my storybook kids Bible is finally available!  52 Bible stories, starting with creation and ending with the new heaven and new earth at the end of Revelation - plus lots of...

Episode 270: Imaginative Prayer w/Jared Patrick Boyd

Do we spend too much time trying to know about God, and too little time actually getting to know God? Author, pastor and spiritual director Jared Patrick Boyd joins the show to talk about experiencing God through the practice of “Imaginative Prayer.” Plus, Christian...

Episode 153: Waco, the Billboard Music Awards, and Youth Ministry!

Phil finds connections between events in Waco, TX and the Billboard Music Awards, then guest Jim Walton joins the gang to discuss observations from 35 years in youth ministry plus his new work as an online apologist at!

Episode 152: Corporate Worship with David Gungor!

Is modern worship music contrived? Formulaic? Manipulative? NYC worship leader and indie/alt/liturgical artist David Gungor (The Brilliance) joins the gang for a lively discussion about the state of corporate worship in America!

Episode 151: 40 Days of Christian Media

Are Christians leaving the faith “in droves?” Should Christians provoke? And the gang discusses Nate Fleming’s “40 days of nothing but Christian media” experiment!

Episode 148: Jesus, Bread, and Chocolate with John Thompson!

Author/musician/entrepreneur John Thompson joins Phil and Skye to talk about his colorful history in Christian music, his new book Jesus, Bread & Chocolate and the artisanal movement and its impact on the church. 

Episode 147: Indiana, Religious Freedom, and Pizza!

Mayhem in Indiana! Gay rights and religious freedom and PIZZA! What’s it all mean?? Phil’s brother and legal expert Rob Vischer joins the gang to discuss the implications of a strange couple of weeks in the Hoosier state.

Episode 146: The Lost World of Adam and Eve!

Old Testament scholar and friend of the show Dr. John Walton joins the gang to discuss his new book - "The Lost World of Adam and Eve." Were Adam and Eve real people? Were they created immortal? And what's with that crazy "No really - God made you from my rib" story?...

Episode 145: Listener Feedback on “Christian America”!

Last week’s show received so much feedback that Phil and the gang dip into the mailbag to share and discuss some of your thoughts about the role of Christianity in America, and what the phrase “Christian nation” may or may not actually mean. Hang on for some fun as...

Episode 143: Space, Fajitas, and Applebees!

Christian’s back! Evangelicals don’t like space! Science creates an amazing new drink and explains something Skye and Christian don’t want to discuss! AND - if your fajitas attack you during prayer, don’t blame Applebees!

Episode 142: Newsweek, the Bible, and 50 Shades of Grey!

Is the Bible A) as messed up as Newsweek says it is and B) responsible for the popularity of 50 Shades of Grey in middle America? Plus, Phil finds a popular movie very disturbing, but it isn't the one you think! 

Episode 140: The Islamic State, Iceland, and Thor!

Half of Protestant pastors say the Islamic State is “true Islam.” While Muslims are being killed by Christians in central Africa and atheists in North Carolina, Iceland says, “To heck with it all! We’re going back to worshipping Thor!” Plus, an audacious claim that...

Episode 139: National Prayer Breakfast, Katy Perry, and Ken Ham!

What do the Dalai Lama and Skye Jethani have in common? They were both at the National Prayer Breakfast last week! Stories from the prayer breakfast, plus Katy Perry hears from God and Ken Ham won't be taking a cruise anytime soon. At least not a Carnival Cruise.

Episode 138: Super Bowl Ads, Fairy Tales, and Christianophobia!

Super Bowl ads make men cry, subverted fairy tales annoy Phil, and “Christianophobia” is now a real term with a new book to back it up! Drew Dyck joins Phil and Skye to discuss manly stuff like football, moral relativism and puppies!

Episode 136: Website Hackings, Muslim Prayers, and Oxford Press!

French websites hacked and comedians arrested! Muslim prayers at Duke University and no pigs at Oxford Press! It’s post-Charlie Hebdo madness, dear listeners! Plus, the gang responds to your mail… all on the podcast this week!

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